why are shy cats friendlier at night

Shy cats are seen to show affection at night, but the question arises: Why? Why are shy cats friendlier at night? The answer to this question is just as complicated as the relationship of Cats with their owners. If we dig deep into the natural instincts of our Feline friends, we can solve these intriguing puzzles of anxious cats who tend to be friendlier at times or, especially, during the nighttime.

It can be due to natural Instincts, environmental changes, and their own comfort. It can be the nature of some cats that are inactive during the day and most active and friendly in the night.

Cats are rarely seen to show a lot of love towards their owners. They are considered as less sociable and cute friends who mostly mind their own businesses. Although cats do show a lot of love to their owners, some are too shy to interact with their own owners. The affection of some breeds is associated with the care or playfulness of the owner, and some, no matter how playful the owner is, always try to avoid such love bombs.

Key Takeaways

  • It’s a natural behavior of some cats that are inactive during the day and most active and friendly in the night.
  • Shy cats are often seen showing affection and trust towards their owner at night.
  • One of the possible reason your cat feels hungry.
  • After spaying surgery cats often become more loving and caring.

Possible Reasons Why are Shy Cats Friendlier at Night:

Shy cats become loving towards their owners and other pets in the home after the sunset, and there are many possibilities. The following are the most common reasons that happen to our consolidated pets at night, which make them excited and extroverted.

1. Naturally Crepuscular:

Cats are naturally Crepuscular, which means these creatures are in their most active form during the night, starting at sunset. Shy cats are most active and hence friendly in the evening and early night because this is in their natural biological rethemes.

2. Trust and Vulnerability:

Behavioral factors play a huge role in why cats show trust and Vulnerability during the night. Shy cats are often seen showing affection and trust towards their owner at night.

3. Your Cat is in Heat:

If an overall shy cat starts showing attachment to the owners or other male cats at night, then she might be on Heat, and she might be ready to mate.

4. It is a Dinner time:

It is one of the possible reason your cat feels hungry that’s why they trying to show its interest in you. They knows that it’s dinner time or that some treat is on its way.

5. Calm and Quiet Environment:

Nighttime is Quieter and Calmer than daytime, so they feel relax and give attention to their owners. If you, as a cat owner, notice your shy and aloof feline friend is showing attachment towards you at night, it can be because she is calm and feels safe around you.

6. Sense of Security:

The dark night often gives a sense of security to shy cats. In the day, there is a hustle and bustle, and nighttime is a sleeping time that provides a sense of security to shy cats, and they become affectionate towards the owner and other pets around them.

7. You have returned home:

Most of the cat owners come home at night after work and give food to them also prepare a speeping place for them. This provides calmer energy from the owners to the cats. This also creates soothing energy for cats, and they tend to develop a routine-based relationship with their owner at night.

How do Cats Show Affection?

How do Cats Show Affection

Cats have different ways of showing affection towards their owners and other animals. They, unlike human beings, don’t show their love directly or verbally; rather, they show it through certain movements and actions. We will discuss how you will know that your Feline friend is showing affection towards you.

  • Purring is one of the most obvious ways in which the cat shows love. They purr when they are relaxed and happy.
  • Cats can also Bring gifts to their owners as their love language. It is common in some breeds to hunt for little rodents, birds, and even insects and then take them as a gift to their owners as a gesture of gratitude and pure affection.
  • Slowly blinking towards the owner or other animals they love is also a great way to show love. If your cat is slowly blinking towards you, that means it loves you. Slow blinking is also referred to as a cat’s kiss.
  • Bunting or gently rubbing their faces against their owner is also an act of affection for cats towards their owners. If your cat is bunting against your head, legs, hands, and belly, it indicates its respect for you and comfort around you.
  • Cats kneading with their paws on soft surfaces or on their owners is an action of good mood and affection. It is thought to be a sign of security and comfort for adult cats.
  • If your pet cat comes at you with your tail held high with a small curve at its tip, that also indicates that it is happy to be around you and wants to be your friend.

Why is My Cat So Clingy After Being Spayed?

Why is My Cat So Clingy After Being Spayed

Cats overall natural behavior change after being spayed, cats often become more loving and caring. After spaying she also stop going outside and their aggressive behavior decreases. They tend to enjoy staying with you and being more relaxed. This is because they become more clingy.

Should You Worry About an Overly Affectionate Cat?

However, we should not be worried about a cat that is naturally affectionate or over-affectionate towards you. Some cats are generally more loving than others, and this sometimes depends on the environment and physical factors. While some cats enjoy being closer to humans and seeking love, others might suddenly get clingy due to stressful conditions, and this clinginess is alarming.

We should notice if our cat suddenly becomes affectionate due to the lack of physical or emotional stimulation or if it is natural. If your cat might act strangely affectionate due to reasons like stress, anxiety, lack of stimulation, hormonal imbalance, boredom, and Aging factors, then we must consult the caregiver or veterinary doctor for better consultation and proper medication.

Why does My Cat Want to Sleep with Me?

Why does My Cat Want to Sleep with Me

Basically, it is a prominent sign of trust and respect for cats when they choose to sleep with their owners and not in their own place or bed. Common reasons why cats want to sleep with their owners are as follows:

  • They feel warmth from the body heat, and it provides an ideal place for cats to sleep
  • They might have made their owners part of their territory. When they mark their owners as part of their territory, they choose to sleep with them.
  • Sleeping with owners makes them feel safe and helps them trust and make stronger bonds with their owners.
  • Cats are very vulnerable at night, and a slight change can wake them up. They often choose to sleep with their owners to feel the most comfortable and sleep tight without being caught.

Which Breeds of Cats are More Affectionate?

Some breeds of cats are Shy, while some are too friendly. We will tell you about the most affectionate and People-orientated breeds of cats.

  1. Ragdoll
  2. Siamese
  3. Maine Coon
  4. Sphynx
  5. Scottish Fold
  6. Burmese
  7. Abyssinian
  8. Birman
  9. Tonkinese
  10. Persian


Affectionate cats are mostly no problem at all. We explained why shy cats are clingy and which breed of cats are more friendly and gentle with humans. It is very important to address why shy cats are friendlier at night and why cats become overwhelming all of a sudden. Every issue related to your cat can be solved if you pay more attention to them and consult a good veterinary doctor for better care.



Mehak Naeem

Hi I'm Mehak. I write this blog based on my 11 years of experiences with cats. I'm passionate about helping other with feline care. If you need any assistance, contact me at mehaknaeem@endcatspray.com