can cats eat eggs

We as a cat owner are curious about feeds or looking for food that has easy access and is full of nutrients, it is a must to keep in mind that before adding a certain feed to the cats, it must be specifically cat-friendly and not need to be human friendly.

One of the commonly asked questions is Can cats Eat eggs? The short answer is Yes! Giving your cat a boiled or scrambled egg without salt, butter, and oil is no problem. Eggs are excellent sources of minerals, calcium, proteins, and vitamins. Eggs provide many nutritional benefits to cats. Mostly, cats like the taste of eggs so you can give them eggs as a treat. This guide will answer all the questions related to Eggs as a feed for cats.

Key Takeaways of Can Cats Eat Eggs

  • can cat eat eggs? Yes! but give them a boiled or scrambled egg without salt, butter, and oil.
  • you can give them eggs as a treat.
  • Not to give raw eggs to your cat because this may cause bacterial infection in your cat.
  • If your cat accidentally eats raw eggs and shows signs like vomiting, diarrhea, or other discomfort, you must contact your vet.
  • Also Raw eggs contain a protein called avidin, which prevents the absorption of biotin, which is responsible for maintaining healthy skin and coat.

Do cats like eggs?

If you have a cat in your home, once you have thought about the question, Do cats like eggs? The answer to that question is simple: It varies from cat to cat. Cats are very famous for being selective eaters, but it is important to note that they often eat things they should not eat, but they eat them because the food is merely appealing to the eyes. Generally, some cats love to eat eggs because of their rich texture and taste.

Cooked eggs are more appealing to many cats because they are creamy and packed with nutrients. Some cats actually hate eggs, whether they are cooked or not. Cats hating to feed on eggs might be because they are an obligate carnivore in nature (depending primarily on meat for their dietary requirements).

They might refuse to eat eggs because of their personal preferences. We must conclude that some cats love eggs due to the way they are cooked, and some don’t. We can not guarantee that your cat loves it or not, so you need to give small portions to them to see if they like it or not. Most cats don’t like raw eggs and most of them only like cooked or boiled eggs.

What are the benefits of eggs for my cat?

Feeding healthy food to cats is very important for their longevity and health. On the other hand, giving Unhealthy treats is very harmful to them. Treats to cats like cooked Eggs without any toppings or spices, when given to cats in moderation, can help them in various ways. The following are the benefits of Cooked eggs as a treat for cats:

  1. Eggs have high quality and full-filling amounts of various proteins. This helps cats in their muscle growth and development in cats.
  2. Cooked eggs for cats have rich amino acids like Taurine. The amino acids like Taurine are crucial for cats’ eyes and cardiac system.
  3. Eggs contain good fats. So, when it is boiled or cooked without oil, they can promote healthy skin and coat.
  4. Eggs can be a treat for cats and can alleviate their vitamin deficiency as well. Eggs contain Vitamin D, promote bone health, and help in a cat’s agility. Vitamins B12 and B6 are also present in eggs, which also help in agility, metabolism, and nervous system function.
  5. Eggs are very low in carbohydrates, which aligns with a cat’s diet. When cooked eggs are given to cats, the bacterial infection can be ignored, and it is easy to feed to the cats.

Can Cats eat scrambled eggs?

Cats can easily eat scrambled eggs as they are rich in high-quality protein and vitamins like vitamin B12. There are many cautions that need to be kept in mind before preparing scrambled eggs for cats. Eggs have essential amino acids, minerals, and protein for a cat’s healthy diet, but we often mistakenly make them look like we eat ourselves. We must keep in mind not to add any extra oil, butter, milk, onions, and garlic as they can act as poison to a cat’s body.

We must also avoid adding any kind of seasoning to the scrambled eggs cooked for cats as it can lead to severe problems. Cats are carnivores and do not prefer onions and garlic milk. For adult cats, it is harmful as they lack enzymes to digest it. If you want to give scrambled eggs to your Feline friends, make sure to provide them with cooked scrambled eggs with nothing in addition to them.

In the beginning, try giving them in smaller portions and then increase the portion weekly. In short, scrambled eggs can be a fulfilling dietary option and a wonderful treat to cats if given in a scrambled egg form and not raw. Raw eggs have bacteria that can affect your cat’s health badly.

Can cats eat Boiled Eggs?

Yes, it is true that cats can eat boiled eggs, but it is very important to know when to give cats boiled eggs. When our Feline friends are weaned away from their mothers, it is the right time to give smaller portions of boiled eggs to our cats in moderation. It does take a little time to start giving more significant portions of boiled eggs as an occasional treat, but it is definitely worth it.

It is very important to note that boiled eggs should not be given as a portion of cat food in the daily routine. Boiled eggs are very nutritious in nature for cats, but giving boiled eggs every day to our Feline friends causes an imbalance in their daily diet; if consumed in excess, it causes weight gain and other health issues.

Boiled eggs are just as nutritious as scrambled eggs, but they don’t have oil in them or need any oil to be cooked, so they are a much safer option to introduce to our cats as a treat. Before giving boiled eggs to cats, make sure to avoid any type of seasoning, whether it is vegetables or spices, as these are harmful to cats and cause issues in the digestive system.

Are eggs good for Cats?

According to the University of Missouri Small Animal Clinical Nutrition Service in Columbia, boiled and scrambled eggs are safe for cats. Egg whites are a great source of protein, while yolks contain healthy fats. Egg shells also contain calcium and other minerals. Eggs are easily digestible for cats, so you can give them at no risk and at any time.

Can Cats Eat Cooked Eggs?

As mentioned above, you can give your cat scrambled or boiled eggs. But make sure to give them without salt and oil. Do not give them a huge quantity because egg yolks contain high calories, which also increase weight. Fatty foods can cause gastrointestinal upset.

So, to reduce the risk, it is suggested that you give your cat only egg whites because egg whites contain almost no fat.

Can cats Eat raw eggs?

can cats eat eggs

I recommend you not to give raw eggs to your cat because this is dangerous and may lead them to illnesses like bacteria and Salmonella. According to the Centers for Disease Control, raw eggs increase the risk of a cat’s health. It can cause gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Raw eggs also contain a protein called avidin, which prevents the absorption of biotin, which is responsible for maintaining healthy skin and coat.

If your cat accidentally eats raw eggs and shows signs like vomiting, diarrhea, or other discomfort, you must contact your vet.

How much egg can a cat eat?

White eggs are healthy for your cat because they contain proteins so you can give white eggs to your cat in addition to regular meals. Ensure that treats do not contain more than 10% of calories in their daily intake. An average 10-pound neutered cat needs 260 calories daily, and an egg contains 66 calories.

Can kittens eat eggs?

You can give your kitten a small amount of eggs in the meal, but it is not a replacement for the entire meal because the kitten needs a special meal to help the body develop. If you plan to give your kitten boiled or scrambled eggs, you just need to contact your vet beforehand.

How to prepare eggs for your cats?

As we mentioned above, raw eggs may risk your feline health. So, you must ensure you cook the egg properly before giving it to your cat. Cats can eat boiled and scrambled eggs without salts, oils, or butter. Egg whites have more protein, which is helpful for a cat’s health, so it is the best way to give boiled eggs to your cat. Once the egg cools you can break it into small multiple pieces and give them to your cat.


So, at the end of this discussion, ‘Can cats eat eggs?’ we know cats eat any form of eggs, whether boiled, scrambled, or raw. But try not to give raw eggs to your cat because this may cause bacterial infection in your cat. The best way is to provide a boiled egg to your cat without oil and salts. White eggs are a great source of protein, and yellow gives them calories.

In conclusion, we must say that whether you want to introduce egg whites or egg Yolks as a treat to cats, consult a professional or veterinary doctor for portion control and other bits of advice regarding your cat feed and health. Our guide also provides relevant information regarding the cat’s feed and health so that cat owners can learn about what we should feed our cats and what not to do.


Can cats eat egg white?

Egg whites are perfectly safe for cats if given in moderation. Egg whites provide the cat with high and pure protein content. Egg whites have low fat and No cholesterol, which makes Egg whites a better option than Yolks. Avoid Giving your Feline friends Raw egg whites as cooking destroys Avidin in Egg whites and is not good for cats.

Cooked egg whites are the better way to feed cats because cooking kills bacteria like Salmonella and makes egg whites perfectly safe to serve the cats. We can give various Egg White forms to cats, like scrambled egg whites or boiled egg whites, without any spice and with toppings like vegetable toppings.

Is egg yolk good for cats?

Egg Yolks can be good for cats as well, and there are specific ways to safely feed egg Yolks to cats. Egg yolks have High cholesterol, which leads to obesity in cats and various diseases. We should also avoid giving raw egg yolks to cats because they contain bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, which are actively responsible for making your cat sick.

We should always keep in mind that we should always give cooked egg Yolks occasionally. Even when they are well cooked, egg yolks can’t be given to cats every day as they can cause digestive problems. We should provide cats with small portions of egg Yolks as an occasional treat.


Mehak Naeem

Hi I'm Mehak. I write this blog based on my 11 years of experiences with cats. I'm passionate about helping other with feline care. If you need any assistance, contact me at