how to tell if a stray cat is pregnant

Keeping cats has always been a tough job, and if they are on their heat cycle, also called the estrus Cycle, the job becomes more hectic. The heat usually remains for 20 to 22 days in general. But you can not control your queen in these special days if no male is in the home.

The question is, how to tell if a stray cat is pregnant? We are here to break the pregnancy symptoms to the readers and make it very easy for them to care for the animals around them better.

How to tell if a Stray Cat is Pregnant?

If the cat is sprayed, the pregnancy can be avoided, but after some time, the cat will again be in heat and search for the male to reproduce. Feline are not easy to handle when on heat. Toms usually mate frequently, and when a female is pregnant, it gives birth to many cute kittens. Taking care of a Stray is difficult as non-sprayed pusses usually get pregnant easily. One of the most asked questions is, at what age a cat get pregnant?

The kitties can get pregnant as young as four months of age. Although it seems very unlikely, Kittens usually live for only 12 to 18 years. Some moggies live longer than 14 years, as this varies from breed to breed, but this is to clarify that a four-year-old grimalkin is not as young as a four-year-old human baby.

Pregnancy Cycle of Cats:

There are five basic stages of pregnancy in a cat, and the following are those five stages that a grimalkin owner must keep in mind.

Stage 1: consists of a mating process where a queen mates with a Tom. She is in her first stage of pregnancy and has yet to show any symptoms.

Stage 2: Here, the embryos start developing and grow bigger; this stage can be as short as three weeks and as long as four weeks on average.

Stage 3: We often hear about the Gestation Period, and stage 3 of a pregnant Queen is called Gestation, which usually consists of 63 to 65 days, approximately two months.

Stage 4: Stage 4 consists of pre-labor time. At this time, the queen shows many symptoms like nesting behaviour and abdomen drop, and she, in this stage, also finds a good place to give birth.

Stage 5: Labor begins when the queen is about to give birth. She suffers to expel the babies, and all the kittens are born within 15 to 30 minutes average. This stage also includes cleaning the babies after birth.

Cat Pregnancy Symptoms:

cat is pregnant

Once they are pregnant, they go through specific apparent symptoms, which we will discuss further. To answer the question of how long is a cat Pregnancy? We can never give an accurate number of days, but usually, the queen is pregnant between 60 and 65 days and gives birth eventually. The cats’s pregnancy symptoms can vary by breed, health conditions, age, and number of babies she is already nursing. If you own a molly without the male or even with the male, it is recommended that you as an owner keep a sharp eye on the symptoms and consult with a vet or pet specialist.

Here are the major 9 Pregnancy symptoms in queen (puss) that are visible by the naked eye if you pay a little attention. It is mentioned that it helps the owner recognize their pet’s physical and behavioural changes and give proper parental care to their pet, Kitty.

1. Body Temperature: feline, when Pregnant, shows a decrease in her overall body temperature. If you have a thermometer at home, you can use it to check the kitty’s body temperature as it decreases by 1 degree Fahrenheit near labor.

2. Increased rest decreased activity: The Queen’s body is already going through so much that she is not physically active. The near the labor time, the more she rests or takes longer naps. She rests a lot and acts differently than usual.

3. Changed Appetite: If you notice that your molly is eating more than usual or leaving out her food, you can guess that she is having pregnancy problems that affect her eating habits, just like in humans. Pregnancy cravings in these species are tough to recognize. We can see if they are eating more or less than usual, which is a sign of pregnancy. In this case, we can consult the vet for better suggestions for her diet.

4. Behavior Fluctuations: Pregnant cat shows many apparent changes in their behavior; for example, some Females become so affectionate and clingy with owners or their Tom husbands, while others always become so irritated and don’t like simple touches. Nesting behavior is when the female, soon to give birth, starts finding a suitable place to give birth and becomes quiet and calm.

5. Nipple: Among the most initially occurring signs of pregnancy in a Queen is the engagement of nipples and change of the nipple’s color. The nipples will turn slightly swollen and pinkish in color, and that only happens when she expects cute kittens. This change occurs in 3rd week of pregnancy.

6. Abdominal Enlargement: As the pregnancy begins, the moggie’s abdomen becomes more significant and more noticeable. In the last stages of pregnancy, it is easily recognized.

7. Vomiting and Morning Sickness: Although it is often associated with human pregnancy, owners of cats who don’t know their moggie is pregnant usually see Vomiting mollies as sick and allergic to food. It is one of the signs of pregnancy in moggies, so it must be monitored carefully. Some grimalkins get mild morning sickness and Vomiting, and some often do not. That is why we are addressing all the symptoms to check for in your dear pet.

8. Weight Gain: As the pregnancy progresses, the moggie will gain more and more weight. She will look noticeably bulkier as she has babies in her belly and has stored fat.

9. Mammary Glands: Along with changes in the nipples, the mammary Glands (teets) will also seem swollen and developed as the mother starts lactating soon for babies (produce milk to nurse babies).

All these symptoms vary from breed to breed. But if you notice these symptoms, you must know that the cat is pregnant and must be taken to a veterinarian for proper treatment.

How to Care for a Pregnant Cat:

It is very easy to take care of pregnant cat. We just need to consult a vet for proper instructions about health care and food to give her. We can take care of her needs with a nutritional diet, fresh and clean water, and supplements (if necessary). We can also provide a quiet and calm place for her nesting behavior. Proper checkups will add to her well-being.

How do I know my cat is ready to give birth?

You will know your tabby is about to give birth if she shows nesting behavior,  becomes more aggressive or stressed, and starts pushing in her nesting space. Sometimes, she also seeks attention, but You don’t need to stress much about not knowing when she is about to give birth, as instincts train these animals, which is a natural process.

Provide her a quiet and calm place where peoples are not coming in frequently. Warm and free place is best option for your pregnant cat. Or you can provide her a semi solid box with a hole for her passway. Don’t forget to provide a dry blanket for her comfort.

If you know your queen is trying hard to push the babies out, but she can’t, you can help her or take her to a doctor as soon as possible. When ready to give birth, she will start finding a place entirely abandoned to have babies, which indicates that kittens are coming into the world.

How many Kittens can a cat have:

How many Kittens can a cat have

Your queen is supposed to give birth to 4 to 6 cute baby kittens, but if she is sick and has medical issues, she can also give birth to 1 or 2 healthy babies. She can also give birth to as many as ten kittens if she is perfectly healthy. In some rare cases, unattended, sick stray moggies give birth to medically impaired kittens; that’s why it is said to take care of cats like we take care of our babies. How many kids she will have depends on the breed, genetic factors, and health conditions.

Is it safe for my Pregnant Cat to continue flea treatment?

The best practice is to avoid flea treatment during pregnancy as these Treatments have harmful chemicals. You can consult the veterinarian for alternative ways to treat cats’ fleas and use natural ways to treat this issue.


In conclusion, understanding the problems that your pet is facing during her heat cycle, pregnancy, and birth is very important for owners. Identifying a cat’s pregnancy problems helps the owners provide proper care and keep their molly safe. The well-being of cats is crucial for the successful pregnancy and birth of healthy children. We explained the answers to the following questions. How to tell if a Stray cat is Pregnant? Pregnancy symptoms of moggies, etc, to make it easy for readers in case of emergency.


Faiza Shakoor