Typically, it is not a matter of concern if you see cats eating grass rarely. There is not one reason for doing so. But if you observe them eating grass too frequently, it is recommended that you get assistance from your vet.
Key Takeaways of why Cats Eat Grass :
- A common myth regarding cats eating grass is that they consume grass to induce vomiting when their stomach is disturbed.
- Cats eating grass too frequently might be trying to increase their vitamin levels.
- Eating grass is safe if your kitty eats more significant amounts of long grass because it will block its intestines, making it extremely difficult to digest.

For Inducing Vomiting
In the pet care community, there is a common myth regarding cats eating grass, which says that when their stomach is disturbed, they consume grass to induce vomiting. It is well-known that they are carnivores and cannot digest grass like horses and cows, so they mostly have stool or vomit.
One of the reasons for consuming grass might be to induce vomiting. Since cats do not have the enzymes for breaking down lots of grass, there is a possibility they start to consume it to take out the indigestible items from their body, like fur or feathers. If this is the case, they often end up vomiting.
For Stimulating its Bowel Movements
No doubt, cats have powerful predatory instincts. Due to this, they frequently prey on little animals, like birds or mice, whenever they sense anything. These little animals have feathers, small bones, and fur, which your kitty’s digestive tract does not digest easily. That’s why they might eat grass to help them digest these materials.
For Getting Health Benefits
Another reason for cats eating grass too frequently is that they might be trying to increase their vitamin levels. A primary nutrient known as folic acid in the grass assists it in transporting oxygen via the bloodstream.
Various professionals also say that eating grass might assist in treating sore throats. On the other hand, some experts say cats consume it to enjoy its consistency and taste.
Is it Safe?
Eating grass is safe if your kitty eats more significant amounts of long grass because it will block its intestines, making it extremely difficult to digest. That’s why keeping your kitty away from this behaviour is vital. Also, supervision is essential to ensure they are not eating potting materials or soils along with grass.
How to Assist?
To assist your cat in such cases, it is suggested to give them proper greenery to eat, like a cat catnip or grass; also, if you allow cats to eat grass, ensure that it has not been sprayed with harmful material.
It would avoid eating anything sprayed using harmful fertilizers and chemicals. However, to clear all your queries regarding grass eating or their diet, it is always good to ask your questions to a vet.