British police officer sold dying cats to children to earn profit

British police officer sold dying cats to children to earn profit.

Former British police officer Amy Byrne and his partner Harry Angell sold dying cats to customers to earn huge profits. The selling price may be between 50 to 1500 Pounds.

Key Takeaways of British police officer sold dying cats to children to earn profit

  • Amy Byrne and his partner Harry Angell sold dying cats to customers.
  • The accused used 33 different identities.
  • The Court sentenced them to jail.
  • The Court also barred from owning any kind of pet for ten years.

Amy Byrne is the mastermind behind this scam. For this scam, the accused used 33 different identities, including mimicking legitimate charities like Cat Cuddles Rehoming.

Amy also presents himself as a vet and falsely convinces a buyer the kitten is healthy. Her issued health certificates were also found.

Mostly, children and people who had no pets before were the victims of this scam.

The Couple, including Amy and Harry, admitted fraud charges and breaches of the Animal Welfare Act in Woolwich court.

After selling sick kittens to buyers, they ignore the buyer’s calls about the situation of ill pets and do not show any concerns.

The Court sentenced Amy to three years and eight months and Angell to three years and four months in prison. The Court also barred from owning any pet for ten years.