Stem Cell Therapy to Treat Blindness in Cats

A cat named Lokum suffering from progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) had low prospects of recovery, but after receiving two doses of stem cell therapy, showed positive signs of improvement.

Ayse Alkan adopted a five year old street cat. After some time, she observed that her pet is struggling to focus on things. That is when she took the cat to the vet.

After examining Lokum, Ayse received the news that her cat will eventually go blind. Devastated, she continued her search for a cure and finally got to know about stem cell therapy.

Stem cell treatment is used for humans, and when administered on animals, shows that it works on them too. The treatment was carried out by the Veterinary Surgeon Cem Perk. After receiving two doses of the therapy, that were administered two weeks apart, it was observed that Lokum was responding positively to the treatment and had begun to recognize objects.

Stem Cell Therapy to Treat Blindness in Cats

Qasim Saeed

Qasim Saeed, the co-founder of EndCatSpray has always been keen to inform and educate new pet parents as well as experienced owners regarding care and well being. It brings him great joy and satisfaction seeing animals treated with love.